Tuesday 30 June 2009

adventure in the Very Hot Day

the Very Hot Day begins would you believe it with heat. And then rebecca tells me, ah I've had a dream it's like a novel or a film. I get 3 or 4 phonecalls from various people, let's go pooling swimming gardening and jump maybe from the trampoline into the pool (which, Megan told me, had collapsed and her dad would have to come and fix - i guess it has now been fixed as i write this because Alex called me to let me know that 'Megan is sitting in the pool just staring at me').

What is your dream Re-bek?
"There's a girl right and her mum goes to find a place to go on holiday and she goes with her mum but she's not her real mum and she's always sort of known this and the it's like a big holiday hotel complex with big hotel apartments everywhere and as the mum goes and tries to find the reception she sees the next door neighbour's daughter and the mum goes up to her and says oh... didn't you have your wedding here samantha? and she says yes I've come back for my 40th wedding anniversary 30th whatever that's rubbish it would've been about 10th. anyway. because the girl was a bridesmaid there. and then... uh... mum finds the reception and the girl finds that the people who work there are a bit garish and don't really care about anything and then for some reason she wants to go and find her real parents, something happens at the hotel. there's this boat docking nearby so she goes on this boat (it's a big cruise ship), she gets on and doesn't tell her mum and it goes. [it departs]. so whilst on the boat the girl wanders about and i think she's with a friend or she made a friend on a boat and on the back of the boat there are these tents. there's a nasty man and she's trying to get rid of her and her friend so they have to hide somewhere. and then um. they're on this boat for ages like months and months and she makes friends. and the boat's got like a secret like it's a secret agent boat, and she's a part of it, like to do with her parents. and then i think she gets a boyfriend or... and it's like, i think it's like Wilhelm Van Trois. and then he leaves her and gets another girlfriend and he has to tell her and it's very sad. and then they dock right and they need to get off the boat but she can't get off the boat without the nasty man seeing so she hides under the water on the boat and i was like which way is up she didn't know which way is up and she starts to panic but sees the sun and goes up for air just as the Nasty Man is getting off the boat, and then he sees her. and that's all I remember. So much more happened in my dream."

So that can probably be adapted into a film, first part of a trilogy or something like that. Right now the adventure is starting to wear a little thin because it is not exactly adventurous. Not the dream. The actual real life of this Very Hot Day is what I mean. I need my head measured for a hat (graduation day coming up, you see). I need to go to portsmouth to collect more stuff collect some tickets and also get another key cut so i can hand my keys back to the landlord without them ever knowing that i lost the other set. Those ones had a very nice bottle opener from St Lucia attached to them and I was very sad to have lost them, and lost them permanently. Usually I just misplace them.

I need to learn to drive. This is important. This is a mantra. I need to learn to drive. It seems as if it is the last hurdle for freedom - it is not very fair to call my parents up all the time for lifts, and also to rely on other people. I can just hurtle around everywhere in a car of my own. I would not like a Renault Clio because I think they look obese, they bulge everywhere - obese bugs, stupidly rounded. I might as well just be driving a ball around, a meteoric ball and not in the good sense of 'meteoric', i mean in the literal meteors-are-lumpy sense. give me a square car and I will drive it. an old VW something, polo, golf, etc. basically i need to learn to drive. i am at the moment surrounded in peradventure rather than just regular adventure.

UPDATE: I have now changed into my purple swimming shorts.
UPDATE: listening to Open Letter to NYC

So we are about to make a jump from this floating world onto the bold pavements of the walton-hersham gap... 'The Gap' being the name of the ghetto/wasteland area in the point-and-click game Beneath a Steel Sky. the walton-hersham gap is even more post-apocalyptic the steel sky gap. No, no it's not really I really am joking. It's a lovely area in leafy Surrey. We obviously have graffiti, because - naturally - we are another one of those suburbs that wants to believe it is really part of the inner sanctums of London. We aren't. We're close-ish. Ah but now we are probably about to fall down and la roux is bursting summery out of the speakers and i am cross legged on the floor about to slip through the floor into the heat outside crammed and jammed supposedly close close close to the skin heavy air all about. SUMMER!

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